Friday, August 14, 2009

Robot Chicken on Wheels Attacks NYC

You know Robot Chicken, don't you? The late-night TV show on [Adult Swim] that's mostly action figures doing sketches. Yeah that show with Voltron, and ThunderCats, and Transformers and G.I. Joe, and the rest of 80's staple cartoon shows. Well they had a DVD of their Star Wars Special (Episode II) and to celebrate they came up with the idea of making a Tour from California across the land to New York and decided to throw roller skate parties along the way. Last night was the end of the tour right here in New York City.

The doors opened at 8pm for everybody, but if you went ahead and indulged the promoters' advice of showing up with a DVD of the show you could get in an hour earlier. When I got to the skating rink at the Riverbank Park I found a family camping out in the front of the line, but they were on the DVD line, so I got to be first on the General Access line. I waited a couple of hours and then got my baby sister to tag me out so I could go home, shower, eat, watch TV, etc...
I got back to the circus around 7pm and the creators of Robot Chicken: Matt Senreich and Seth Green came out and said hi to the fans. Outside near the line they had a truck showing episodes of the show. They let the common folk in around 8:10pm after hey told us they ran out of skates to rent (I couldn't find mine so I was hoping to use the ones at the rink).
Once inside me and my sister got on the queue to rent skates anyway to see what we could find. They only had sizes 7 or less. I wear 9 on regular shoes, so I figured they were too small for me. My sister got a pair and went to "skate" (it's on quotations because to what she was doing is not called skating). I was watching from the other side of the glass and everybody was having way too much fun so I decided to see if they had a new batch of skates. They only had 7s still so I said "fuck it let me get those", so what if I fucked up my feet, the pain will only last for a couple of hours (or days). When I put on the skates they fit perfectly. "It's on!"

I was skating up and down, frontwards and backwards. I took a bunch of pictures with all the Star Wars characters that were there: Darth Vader, Chewie, Darth Maul, Leia, Troopers, etc.
Around 9:30 the skating stopped and everyone was allowed in front of the stage for a rocking show of Gym Class Heroes. It was great, I hope the Tour comes back around next year.

Here are 50 pictures I took there

1 comment:

  1. Robot Chicken Episodes.. What to say?? i just adore the way this show is directed and characters are designed. Thanks for sharing.
