Saturday, March 27, 2010

Movies I Tried Watching: Punisher War Zone

Me ha pasado que he tratado de ver una que otra pelicula, pero se me hicieron tan malas que ni las termine.  La primera que me viene a la mente, pues no fue hace mucho fue:

Sunday, March 7, 2010

[short film]: SOUR ‘日々の音色 (Hibi no neiro)’ [Japan]

Sometimes you find something on the net and you feel the need to share.  Sex tapes are one, but this time it's the turn of a cool music video that I found floating on the net.  It's new to me, but ancient on the net.  I don't know what the song it's about (don't know japanase), but the concept it's great.  Check it out:

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Next Movie should be: Y: The Last Man

Cual es la proxima pelicula que tu, como amante al cine, crees deben de hacer?